Mah Jongg Tiles

All of our Mah Jongg tiles are individually carved and hand-painted.  These painstaking processes ensure every set of tiles is uniquely tailored to an individual’s desires.  The tiles we carve are very traditional in appearance and so are easy to play with.  Having said that, nearly all of our tile sets are bespoke; each client is invited to select their preferred carved characters, colors, tile sizes, even the material from which the tiles are made.  Below are the three configurations we currently manufacture.

Two-layer – 

Our flagship, these tiles are white Mother-of-Pearl faces enrobed in Water Buffalo horn.


Unlike any we have ever seen, these tiles are made from weighted, balanced, epoxy-coated wood centers sandwiched between slabs of alternative Ivory.  The core can be made from any available wood affording the Client myriad choices for their set.


These tiles are made from three pieces of alternative Ivory separated by clear, cast epoxy and polished to a radiant brilliance.  Like all of our other tiles, these can be made in any size.